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Fujikawaguchiko town hometown tax

About Fujikawaguchiko town's hometown tax return gift

Fujikawaguchiko Town is a town surrounded by the majestic Mt. Fuji, and its specialties include milk from dairy cows raised in the spring water of Mt. Fuji, craft beer, and game dishes using venison.
In addition to food, we also have a large selection of rewards according to the amount, such as hotel accommodation gift certificates and complimentary coupons for tourist facilities.Please see the list of gifts below.

List of main gifts

Leisure facility use ticket
Outdoor experience ticket
Golf course ticket
Hotel/Ryokan Accommodation Voucher
Campsite ticket
right to participate in the event
Fuji black beef (beef)
Fujigamine pork (pork)
Ham and sausage
Mt. Fuji natural water
Good luck in Kai (Japanese sake)
Fuji premium milk
handmade cheese
Gibier (venison)
Fujizakura Plateau Beer (local beer)
Katsuyama Traditional Craft Tin Bamboo Work
live jellyfish
Butterbur sprout Nanban

Hometown tax to Fujikawaguchiko town can be accepted at the following donation site

What is hometown tax?

Hometown tax is a system that allows you to donate to your hometown where you were born and raised or the local government you want to support.
If you complete the procedure, you can receive a refund of income tax and a deduction of resident tax for the portion of the donation that exceeds 2,000 yen.
It is an attractive system in which you can choose how you want to use your donation, and you can also receive gifts such as local specialty products.
For further information, please read Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications hometown tax portal site to confirm.
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